Summer Essentials for all your Holidays & Festivals
July 11, 2019
[GIFTED - this post contains gifted items, all thoughts/opinions are my own and from my own experiences using these products. Please see my disclaimer for more information]
Summer is finally here with the looks of it and festival season is well underway so I've put together some essentials for feeling and looking your best this summer. Weather your going on a sun and sea holiday, city break or simply hitting up a festival this season make sure you've got some of these items packed!
Now we're talking more summer holiday than festival here, well depending on where your festival is located I'm sure you'll be keeping the sandals and flip flops packed. For all the lucky ones having a summer holiday this year, check out imPRESS pedicure which are the same great stick on nails as the manicure sets but for your toes!! Don't deal with clipped nail polish or expensive trips to the salon, apply a set of these imPRESS nails for long lasting nails that look and feel amazing! Everyone has asked me where I had my toes done since I've been wearing these. They actually make my toe nails look better and neater than just wearing nail polish. These are a new product from Kiss so there are currently fewer designs to choose from but still a good choice. I had my first set on for around 4 weeks but I changed them to a fresh set which was more out of choice than needing to remove them.
Top Tip - Apply your press on nails before bed as your less likely to get your hands or feet wet for longer than during the day. This helps them stick and last longer in my experience.
What are your beauty essentials for summer?