Wales Comic Con Part 2 - 30th Nov 14
December 01, 2014
Hey Geeks,
Wales Comic Con Part 2 was today, this is the second event of the year from the organisers and it's got bigger and better! Part 1 was earlier in the year, I was lucky enough to go and I thought they did an awesome job, much better then Manchester Con this year.
So... today... well to start of I've had around 2 hours sleep after only finishing work at half 2 this morning and being up early to get down to Wales meant 2 hours was all i got :-( The 2 friends I went with was running a bit later than scheduled but we still made it to Glyndwr University in Wrexham by 9.10am, doors for early bird ticket holders was 10.00am, so we made good time really. A previous post of mine had mentioned this event and that I was cosplaying for the 1st time ever... all I can stay now at 22.10 is that my head hurts from the wig!!! It was all worth it though, myself and my 2 friends had decided to dress up Supernatural themed because we're big fans but it had been announced that the Impala (Dean's car from Supernatural) would be at the convention. I'd cosplayed Charlie Bradbury, she's not a lead role but a fun character and she has her own Funko so she's cool!!
First things first we found the car on the way into the event and got photographs early on whilst the outfits was all on point. The car wasn't exactly the same as in the program which was slightly disappointing but it was still an awesomely cool car!
The Impala and Charlie Bradbury :-P
After this we continued into the event and passed the My Geek Box Stand, who had sold out of the special convention boxes before I even got into the event unfortunately. The did however have lots of new Funkos, I spotted a few I wanted but decided to look around first. We made our way into the main area of the event, which has most of the guests and stalls inside. We walked straight in due to having early birds so the event wasn't very busy at this point. Inside we went to look for the Supernatural guests, Mark Sheppard (Cowley) and Alaina Huffman (Abaddon), my friends wanted to get autographs from them so we queued up to see them both, Jen my friend had cosplayed as Abaddon and Alaina noticed, save to say my friend was chuffed to bits, she also got a photograph with her and she was lovely to say hello too. Mark was also really lovely, he made a comment on Jen's cosplay to Alaina "Who the fuck has she come as" which was a very funny moment, I was also able to ask him to say 'Moose' which he did in the end so I was made up as well. I didn't autographs due to not having a lot of money but it was great to meet them both and say hi.
Ketchup PS Zombies go to comic con too!