Charlie Bradbury Supernatural Cosplay
September 29, 2014Hey Guys :)
So on the 30th of November it's Wales Comic Con part 2, I attended the 1st part of this convention earlier this year in April and they did a massively great job! I enjoyed Wales Comic Con more than Manchester this year so that's saying something. I was also luckily enough to attend Wales last year, the convention was only in it's 2nd year then so it was a lot smaller however this year was massive, the convention is held at Gylndwr University in Wrexham, Wales. The 1st year attended they only opened the sports hall for the event but this year most of the university was open making it a bigger and better event, I really enjoyed it. Since there April event was so popular they are holding another convention in November hence it being called part 2, I am attending and have decided to cosplay for the 1st time ever!
A few weeks ago Wales Comic Con announced that the car from Supernatural (the Impala) will be displaying at the convention, well this got me so excited! I am impatiently waiting for season 10 to start in early October. This announcement prompted me to cosplay as a character from Supernatural but I have decided to not go down the stereotypical route and dress up as Sam or Dean or even Castiel but as Charlie Bradbury, the geek which was 1st introduced to us viewers in the episode 'The girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo'. If you don't know her she is an IT geek who dresses like a bit of a geek, most rememberable outfit being the one I've chosen to cosplay.
If you aren't a Supernatural fan your probably going to walk past me and think I'm just dressed for Comic Con, geeky Star Wars Tee, Hoodie and a Satchel. I have decided to buy a wig to enhance my cosplay so fans will defiantly know who I am.
Yeah I know it's only September and the event is in November but I've started working on the cosplay now for 1 so I'm prepared and for 2 I'm quite excited about it also I will probably have to order the wig offline so I want to make sure that I have enough time for it to arrive.
I'm going to be adding to this post as and when I get the items I need to complete to cosplay, I have already purchased some grey jeans from the reduced section in Primark Manchester (£5.00), I have also been to enquire how much to print the Star Wars Graphic on a t-shirt I was quoted £8.00 today.
Anyway if you have any comments or ideas or websites that may help me out on any of the items I will need please let me know. Like I said I will keep updating this post as and when I get hold of new items.
Ketchup PS dressing as a Zombie isn't Cosplaying right??
26th October - This week I brought a wig for the cosplay, I have been all over eBay looking for the right colour and style but only found a few that would be suitable. However I have chosen to buy the cheaper and less ginger wig to try, priced at £2.99 so I know its probably only going to last me the day but thats all I need it for. When it arrives if it's too red and not the right colour my friend said she will buy it off me so either way I've not lost out.
Here's the eBay image, what do you think?
Image taken from the eBay listing
I did find another wig on eBay that was a better colour in my opinion but it's coming from Hong Kong and priced at around £9.00. I never usually spend so much on items from HK just incase they never get here etc and I was a bit worried about the wig having bugs or anything in it!
Has anyone ordered wigs from HK before?
Image taken from eBay listing
Update after Comic Con
Well guys I didn't buy any of the wigs shown above, I found a great company from London with a perfect wig for sale.
I had trouble getting a purple tee, I ordered a ladies tee which came and was too small then ordered another size which didn't arrive in time so I had to buy a Primark on which was slightly off the colour I wanted, however I managed to get the T-shirt transfer from eBay for just £3.00 so that saved me some money.
Anyway the day was great as you will see from the Wales Comic Con post, heres a photo of me in Charlie Bradbury Cosplay!
Ketchup PS Charlie would kick Zombie Ass!