Is it the end of Summer? - a little life update from me.

August 19, 2018

Hey everyone...

So do we think summer is over then? The sun has been a little scarce lately but it’s still been super stuffy up North. Anyway enough about the weather I just wanted to check in and give you guys a life update since I haven’t posted in a few weeks -slaps hand- 

Basically life’s got in the way these past few weeks/month and frankly that’s ok sometimes. My blogs took a back seat as I’ve had so much going on however it’s getting back to normal now and I’ve planned a ton of content for the up coming weeks and I’ve got 2 events confirmed for September and one at the end of August. I’ve also got some awesome colabs and product reviews coming up so do stay tuned.

A few weeks ago the shop I was working at closed and we was all made redundant although I hadn’t been working there for 2 years so wasn’t entitled to any money but that’s ok; I think this gave me more of a drive to find another job asap. I started working as many shifts as possible at my second job which is a bar job and applying for other jobs everyday. I decided to give myself a few weeks of being a little picky with jobs I was applying for and was choosing fashion jobs over another retail or bar job. 

The week after I stopped working at the shop I passed my driving test which was a huge relief as it was causing so much stress for me. I’m so pleased I’ve done it though and I don’t want to say it was worth the stress but it probably was. 

At the end of July I’d secured two interviews and turned down two due to them not being suitable for me. Both interviews went well and I got the first job I went for which is working at a fashion company in Manchester. The other role has been put on hold until October but I’m still in the running for it apparently so all in all I’m happy with the outcome of my new job. I started my new role this week and other than the super early get-ups I’ve actually enjoyed my first week. I was super pleased to get a lie in over the weekend though. 

Last weekend I also picked my car up which hasn’t all been smooth sailing either. Firstly I couldn’t pick my car up without ID and my driving license still hadn’t arrived so I waited all last week for the postman but my license only came on Saturday and then I’ve been on the phone pretty much everyday to the car place as I don’t have a manual for the car. One is on the way now though and I’ve used my evening time after work to drive around trying to get used to the car; it’s going alright! Especially after a couple of trips to IKEA of course. 

Finally I think my life is starting to quieten down and I’m feeling a little calmer with everything. I’ve actually put together a social media plan for my blog and want to start scheduling every week and not just here and there. I now get weekends/BH off work so I’m going to be using this time to get photos, write posts and plan my blog content for the week ahead; this is how everyone else does it right? -haha- 

All in all I just want to add that it’s ok to take a break from your blog and we shouldn’t feel guilty that we haven’t posted in X amount of time. I was putting pressure on myself to try and blog when I just didn’t have the time, energy or mind-frame to put in some quality work. 

Here’s to life changes and the good things they can bring. Thanks everyone! 

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