A look back at 2017 and a look forward to 2018!

January 01, 2018

I started 2017 recovering from an operation that I had just before Christmas so I’m happy to say that recovery went well. I then went back to an old job after losing a job due to illness, this wasn’t an issue though; I'll always be thankful for this particular job role as I know I’m always welcome back whenever.

Photo Credit Kim from The Colour Chronicles
In February and September I made it to London Edge and met up with who I’d now call my little alternative blogger squad, during Feb’s show I was interviewed by Iron Fist and this article was published on their website. At September Edge I interviewed Lindy Bop’s garment tech which is now one of my most viewed posts of the year, September’s show brought some amazing colabs too.

Jess from I AM FOXTAILS, Rach from Rachel War, Emma from Emma Inks, Lucy from LJIV, Kim from  The Colour Chronicles
The year continued on, I attended my 5th Download Festival with a few friends and it was one of the driest years yet. I watched some of my favourite bands like Good Charlotte, Steel Panther, Simple Plan, System of a Down and Biffy Clyro. The Clothes Show moved their show to Liverpool from Birmingham in July so I was able to go to the first Liverpool show, it was amazing to be invited to the bloggers event for this too and have a press pass for the weekend. 

During the summer I was working my butt of at work, grabbing what hours I could then a job came up at the Body Piercing shop I used to work at so I took that and started Piercing again. October soon came round, me and the other half and 2 of our friends went to Disneyland Paris; this was mine and Deans first holiday together ever. We all had an amazing time and it was great to explore Paris on one of the days too; I do wanna visit Disney again but maybe at a quieter time of the year. After being with Dean for over 7 Years now more holidays are needed!

Over the course of the year I was invited to many blogger events, some in Manchester, Liverpool and London; I attended every event I could and I am so thankful for all the blogging opportunities that these events have brought me this year. I also feel like 2017 was a successful year in terms of my blog but there is definitely room for improvement and I need to work harder in 2018! 

Looking back on my year, I can see the good times have outweighed the bad and it’s been an exciting year especially with events. This may seem a little silly but I’m so pleased to have hit 1K on Instagram this year too! Thank you to all the brands and PR's I've worked with this year and thanks for all the invites to the amazing events I've been to this year! I’m really happy my health is back on track, I’ve grown as a person and am ready to rock 2018! 


2018 starting on a Monday really sits well with me and I’m ready to start the year off in the best way possible! I’ve got a lot planned for the year already and I’m super excited about it all but I’ve also got a lot to work on this year too! As usual I’ve set myself some goals to work towards and I’m going to try my best to smash these goals! 

January will start with more blogging, lots of reviews coming up and more fashion posts; I got a new tripod for Christmas so I’m gonna use this as much as possible to get more outfit shots and flatlay's up on my blog and socials. I’ve got 2 gigs coming up this month too including Paramore; a band I’ve been wanting to watch since being a teenager and I finally get to watch them this month; what a way to begin the year! 

I’m off to London Edge again in February and meeting up with the blogger squad which I’m already excited about! These gals are so supportive and lovely, I feel lucky to have gotten to know them! I’ve got another gig in Feb, Bowling For Soup who are one of the funniest bands to watch live; hey with all these gigs I may put a music section on my blog? 

There’s many more plans for 2018 including Slam Dunk festival for the first time, more gigs, Wales Comic Con, Download Festival, the second Clothes Show in Liverpool, maybe Leeds Festival and it’s the other half’s 30th! Here’s to a full packed year! 


Finally my goals for the year, once I’ve wrote them down I have to stick to them; right? :) 

- To continue to work on my blog, post more regularly and come out of my comfort zone in terms of photos! I wanna post more outfits and fashion related posts and make up shots too! 

- Start the Penny saving challenge, I did start this last year and managed to get to May before it was becoming a little unaffordable but I still made a fair amount of money so all was good. 

- Learn to save a bit of money, I’m a terrible shopaholic and really need to look at my spending this year. I’m going in with the mindset of “do I really need this”. 

- Overall to enjoy every step of the way this year, enjoy all the experiences this year throws at me, take chances and just be happy in 2018! 

Have you got any goals set for 2018?

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