Welcome Back

September 13, 2015

Hello everyone,

This week I took some unintentional time off blogging, its been such a busy week for me. I was feeling bad mid-week that my blog was suffering so I just decided to take the week off. After a busy weekend, I'm having a lazy Sunday and will be working on my blog posts for next week from tomorrow.

I have got some exciting new posts coming up, I've got some new makeup products from Makeup Revolution, W7 and Rimmel that I want to show you, along with a LUSH favourites post.

Yesterday was Blackpool Comic Con which I attended with a few friends, I love going to comic conventions and I had a really enjoyable day. I'll be putting together a post about my day and experiences whilst there and also my deal of the day where I think I haggled for the first time ever.

As a welcome back, I'm going to tell you 5 things about me that you didn't know just for a bit of fun. Here we go...

1. I'm a trained Body Piercer, however I don't work as a Piercer at the moment.

2. My favourite TV Shows are 'The Big Bang Theory' and 'Supernatural'.

3. Theory of a Deadman are my all time favourite band, I met them last Halloween and in April this year at Manchester Academy.

4. I've only ever been on a plane twice and the last time was in 2009.

5. I love putting flat pack furniture together, this is a strange I know. (IKEA Queen here)

I'm hoping for a more productive week of blogging, I've set myself a personal target to get at least 3 posts up this week, so I will be making a schedule and planning the week ahead.

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