Richard O’Brien’s - Rocky Horror Show
May 17th 2022
Doors 7pm
Show starts 8am
‘It’s astounding’ that this is my first time seeing Rocky Horror at the theatre! I’ve been a fan of the film since being in college and it’s been on my wish list to see a live show since then. My sister actually bought the tickets but was unable to attend so I took her up on the offer of the tickets; me and Mum went along for an evening of laughter, dancing and singing!
‘Time is fleeting’ arriving just after 7pm to a crowded foyer of guests, some dressed up as Rocky horror characters which was fun to see; there was lots of Frank’n Furter’s. The show was starting at 8pm so we grabbed a souvenir from the merch desk and found our seats which where in such a good location, we were in row D so only 4 rows from the front; we had such a good view of the stage. The show opened at 8pm, right on time.
‘Madness takes its toll’ as Roxy the show attendant character appears on stage singing the opening tune and the audience goes quiet but singing low, excitement brewing. Once Roxy had sang the curtains were open and the late night double feature picture show began.
‘But listen closely’ as the audience would shout to the stage and we were all in fits of laughter as this is normal for a Rocky Horror performance; the cast want and expect the audience interaction. I was actually a little shocked when the first guest shouted something, I was thinking “how rude” but soon realised its part of the experience and I hope that I can make a joke next time.
‘Not for very much longer’, the first hour of the show sets the scene, they story plays out like the film to an extent and we got up from our seats to dance to ‘the time warp’, it was like the whole audience erupted into song and dance ending in laughter and applause.
‘I’ve got to keep control’ half way through the show at around 9pm, the interval played out ending on a naughty scene. Liverpool’s Empire theatre has the option to order food and drink from your phone by scanning the QR code on the back of the chairs; this was super easy to do and the order arrived during the interval in a brown paper bag. There was no need to leave our seats.
‘I remember doing the time warp’ again at the end of the performance, the cast performed this section again so us in the audience could be up dancing and singing, it really is the most interactive show I have watched in theatre.
‘Drinking those moments when’ I was sad the show was over and wanted to watch it all again! The cast were fantastic, the acting, singing, costumes, monologues and dancing all create a wonderfully sweet show that will stay in my mind for a long time.
‘The blackness would hit me’ when the curtains were closed ending the show with Roxy singing the ending tune and bringing the audience back down to earth and our seats. The lights came on and people where laughing, talking about the show; there was people stopping to take photos of the guests that choose to dress up. The show had ended but the evening hadn’t for some guests.
‘And the void would be calling’ me to book this show again already! Truly enjoyed the evening and everything involved, my Mum felt the same. I recommend any Rocky Horror fan watch a live show at least once even if it’s just to dance ‘the time warp’ with other like-minded people!
‘Let’s do the time warp again’…
The Outfit Edit
Dress - Noisy May Curve via ASOS
Boots - Dr Martens
Leggings - Primark
McQ Glasses - Glasses Direct
Hair - Bleach London (The Big Pink & Tangerine Dream)